Lauryn Lucie Keller

Aspiring Author

I live and breathe the written word;
life is more exciting on paper

The sequel to Project Verta, currently a work in progress. This book follows the journey of Reva and her friends to rescue their families.

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An action-thriller with a romantic leaning that draws influence from "Peter Pan". What's not to love? Currently in the writing phase.

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The first book in a YA sci-fi trilogy. As of now, unpublished and still in the editing phase.

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  •  30/09/2017 12:00 AM

This section is to give you the latest on what I'm working on. No matter what it is, I'm always doing something!

  •  21/09/2019 07:52 PM

My thoughts on the representation of bisexual characters in the media in honour of #BiWeek. SPOILER WARNING! Spoilers for Shadowhunters and Brooklyn 99 (up to end of season five)

  •  14/09/2019 04:20 PM

My feelings about the 50th anniversary of Scooby-Doo and what Scooby-Doo means to me.

  •  12/12/2018 12:00 AM

Trigger Warning: Reference to Suicide. I discuss the importance of the passing of someone from my childhood and how suicide affects people.

I'm a young, Scottish author working on my trilogy and another book, I am hoping to get published soon!
I've spent my entire life reading, eating up books left, right and centre so it only made sense to take two things that I love--books and creative writing--and make it a career.
I started my first book in November 2017 and finished it 14 months later.
Currently, I am working the sequel to my first book and another manuscript.