30 Sep

This section is to give you the latest on what I'm working on.

No matter what it is, I'm always doing something!

Any questions? Leave them down on the comments or @ me on twitter (@LaurynLKeller)!

After 14 months I have finished my first draft of The Formula X Kids: Project Verta, the first in a trilogy. It topped out at roughly 94,000 words and, after a short break, I have returned and to it and am currently working on editing it.

Right now I am working on two separate manuscripts; one is The Formula X Kids: Project Aryllis and the other is a completely unrelated project. This new manuscript, titled A Town Called Neverland, is a young adult action/thriller with a fair amount of romance thrown in. I have high hopes for both this manuscript and my original trilogy.

The Formula X Kids: Project Aryllis currently sits at 35,000 words and A Town Called Neverland is at approximately 5,000.

I know, it's overly ambitious, wish me luck!

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